Heer Me Oh Lucifer
when will you drop your weapons?
as the children of the world cry out peace,
why do you sow their lips shut?
Yes, thats right I said it, peace.
why do you lick the wounds of the fallen with your acid tongue?
is it a joy that you seek?
Here me out, father of lies,
I know you can read this,
and I know I am not much of a challenge,
But my daddy is
He will slaghter you in the end as you have done to my brothers
His mercy is everlasting, yes, but you will not recieve it,
I feel for you Deceiver, for your fate is as grave as your fire is hot
But why do you bind yourself with your carnalities and monstosaties?
Is it too hard to accept your fate?
Or is it more fun to kill the innocent as you suck on their entrails?
You make me sick
a liittle gruesome yes... but think about what I'm saying... yes, just think.